Hello faithful readers,
First off I want to apologize for not staying in touch more. Things have been very busy and life has interrupted my routines. I have moved from Europe back to America and started a job at a new organization. Things are finally settling into a new and different rhythm and I am happy to report that there are some significant updates I have to share with you.
I have been visiting local public libraries and have met some wonderful people. I love spreading the word about Scary and her adventures as well as the story of Dave and his family in the novel A Life Worth Living. A wonderful woman I met at work invited me to attend a showing at a local art gallery. It was a fantastic opportunity and I met some very interesting people. While there, my eyes kept returning to one artists work. She is a wonderful person and just so happens to also do illustrations for children's picture books. We have met a few times and discussed the Scary story series. I was very happy when she agreed to collaborate to bring the stories of Scary to life on the page. I know that in a picture book the illustrations tell at least as much of the story as the written words. Children relate with the story on all levels and these new illustrations will reveal a richer and more vibrant world. I truly am excited about this collaboration and can't wait to reveal the updated Scary to you.
I will keep you updated as this continues to develop.
I look forward to talking with you again soon. If any of you have any questions or would like to talk about any of the stories let me know.
All the best,
TL Scott
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