Saturday, August 31, 2013

Hello everyone, so just to keep everyone updated A Life Worth Living is now available for purchase and download from and also WH Smith and on apple ibooks.  It will soon be available on Amazon and a few others.  Once it is available I will tell you more.
I am also happy to report that the Scary Story is available for download at the same sites as well. 
I hope you enjoy.  Please post a review.

Friday, August 30, 2013

A Life Worth Living release tomorrow!

Hello faithful readers. 

The wait is almost over.  The e-book is available for purchase tomorrow.  For all of you that pre-ordered your copy from one of the sale points all you need to do is download your copy. 

It is my sincere hope that you love the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Please take a minute after you have read it to write a review.  I would love to hear your honest feedback. 

The first two books in the children picture book series A Scary Story are now available for purchase from  now and soon to be available on with more following soon after that. 

Thank you.

I will be back soon.

TL Scott

Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Scary Story publication

Hello faithful readers.

I am happy to anounce that I have just published the first two picture books in the Scary Story series.  The stories are about a young girl that faces her fears and learns some important lessons along the way.  Scary is brave, smart, and fun.  Her adventures take her to some out of the world locations while she adventures with her fary tale friends on a Dark Dark night.  This is a fun series that your young children will enjoy.

The wonderful illustrations were done by the very talented Sorie Olba.

The first two books are available for purchase on

I hope you enjoy.

TL Scott

Saturday, August 17, 2013

How To Publish your book

Hello again faithful readers and welcome to those that are visiting for the first time.

Okay so you have finished your story and now you are working on getting it published.  Fortunately you have several options.  I urge you to spend the time researching the different options and then choosing the right one for your book. 

If you are an established author you will likely go with a traditional publisher.  Well if you are an established author it is unlikely you are reading this as you already know how you are going to publish your book.

The traditional publishers typically only accept submissions from literary agents.  They already have a stable of established authors and are very selective when it comes to bringing in new authors.  Some do accept unsolicited submissions but know that your odds are slim.

So if the traditional publishers normally accept submissions from agents then lets talk about getting an agent.  First though I want to say that one of the main reasons for them relying on literary agents is because of trust.  Over time the publishers have come to realize that these agents submit quality stories that are likely to be successful.

The process of finding a literary agent is not an easy one.  It takes great perseverance.  You must write the perfect query letter.  You should avoid sending a mass query letter to everyone.  Many agents have posted what they want to see in your query to them and what their submission requirements are.  If you choose to ignore them you do so at your peril.  Remember as great as you know your story to be these agents are looking for authors that they are willing to work with for years to come.  They are looking for professionals.  You must do your research and query each agent individually.  I strongly encourage you to learn about query letters.  There is some good information online if you take the time to look for it.  One of the main parts of the query letter is your personal history.  This is a summary of what you have done.  What you have published before and any awards or recognition you may have earned.  If you have these achievements then by all means make sure you list them.  If however you are just starting then tell the agent why you are qualified to write this story.  Also tell them why you should be represented.  One thing to keep in mind is that if you do have a literary agent then you will also be required to pay your agent from your profits.  The representation can be essential.  Most of these agents are true professionals and are very good at what they do.  As in all professions there are some that are good at it and some that are not so good at it.  Again do your research and look for an agent that you feel comfortable with.  If you choose to go this way I wish you well.

Another way you may choose to go is with a vanity press.  This may be the right way to go for you.  If your story is likely to appeal to a small niche market or only for your family and friends then it may be worth it to pay to publish a small number of copies.  Be very careful though.  There are some companies out there that charge large amounts for their services and then do not perform well at all.  Do your research and tread carefully.

The last option I want to talk with you about is self-publishing in the ebook format.  In my opinion this is the way to go for everyone.  If you are an established author then this is a market segment that you cannot afford to overlook.  If you are just starting out then this is the way to go as well.  As long as your manuscript is formatted per their requirements then your submission will be accepted.  One other main advantage is that you will get a large percentage of the sale.  With a traditional publisher you will usually only receive 10 to 15 percent.  If you have a literary agent then you will need to pay the agent from those royalties.  Granted that the major publishers can get your book on the shelf in a lot of locations.  The more available your book is the better the chance of it being sold.  I recommend you make yourself familiar with  This company in my opinion is fantastic.  They make the process very easy.  The submission process is simple and quick.  Compared to traditional publishers the e-publishing will get you between 30 to 80 percent of the sale.  Another major advantage is the Smashwords can get your book available in multiple outlets.  They will make it available on Smashwords, Kobo, Barnes&Noble, Diesel, Apple ibookstore, Sony, Amazon, and Library direct.  One major advantage is that Smashwords will consolidate your sale records across these different platforms.  If you were to publish your book individually at these different outlets then you will need to track your sale history on each of these sites.

In summary I recommend everyone research all possibilities and then do what is best for them.  If you are an established author then you will likely have an agent and go with a traditional publisher.  If you have not already I recommend you look into publishing your book as an ebook as well.

If you are in the beginning phase of your writing career I recommend publishing with Smashwords.  In my research I have not found any other way to publish your story at a lower entrance price and having such a large distribution channel available.  This should translate into a larger profit margin for you.

If you have any questions or comments please take the time to post your response.

I wish you all the very best.

T. L  Scott

Monday, August 5, 2013

Publication of A Life Worth Living

Hello faithful fans.  Great news on the release of A Life Worth Living.  The ebook version will be released on 31 August.  You can go to now and download a sample of the book now.  You can even pre-order a copy for you and your friends so that you can be one of the first to buy the book.  Smashwords will make it available on their store as well as Amazon, Apple, Sony, Barnes & Noble, Diesel, Koobo and more. 

I can also now announce that the paperback will be available for purchase on the same day via Amazon and a few other sources (I will let you know soon).

The wait is coming to an end.  Please share the news with your friends and order your copy in advance.

If you have any questions or comments please let me know.  After you download your sample material please come back here and let me know what you thought of it.

I will be back in touch soon.

All the best,

TL Scott